Introducing 1Route Roundup with Jeffrey Ross
Our specialty at 1Route is providing telecom companies and their customers the freedom of trusting where calls are originating from on their phone lines. Even before the FCC’s STIR/SHAKEN initiative was implemented a year ago, 1Route and sister company, GBSD Technologies, have been validating telecommunications traffic across the globe and blocking fraudulent transactions in real-time.
The heart and soul behind our company is what motivates and drives our growth. As new
standards of the telecoms industry continue to be developed; we’re excited to share what we’re doing professionally to assist in manifesting the reality of bringing trust back to voice.

Introducing New YouTube Series: 1Route Roundup with CCO Jeffrey Ross
With the internet providing more ingenious ways to connect all the time, we too, are connecting
to a new platform to grow our shared digital space. Our new YouTube series, 1Route Roundup
with CCO Jeffrey Ross, will do its part to showcase leadership and innovation occurring in the telecom industry.
Across the globe, humanity may vary in many ways culturally, but our core needs remain the
same. In developing and industrialized countries alike, anti-fraud education has become a great
necessity. The benefit of industry insiders sharing their knowledge is a powerful one!
We took some time and sat down with Jeffrey Ross to discuss the new series, and grab some insight on future episodes to come.

Interview with CCO Jeffrey Ross
Q: In your words, how would you describe The 1Route Roundup series?
Jeffrey Ross: The 1Route Roundup is a video series that focuses on three main areas of the telecom industry.
1. Perspective from around the world.
2. Collaboration in the industry
3. The People – putting a spotlight on individuals that are in the trenches every day, working hard, and making a positive difference.
Q: What can viewers expect from each episode?
Jeffrey Ross: Each episode has a different characteristic of its own. Viewers can expect a
a laid-back conversational approach to address issues in the telecom industry, but more
importantly, in my opinion, the viewers learn the perspective from someone that might be from a different area of the world than themselves and they will learn more about the people that are making a difference in our industry.
Q: The Telecom industry is a global one—how many countries were involved with 1Route Roundup series?
Jeffrey Ross: We were fortunate to have representatives from Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East. My hope is that after the audience has a chance to see what we are trying
to accomplish it will open doors to more countries/regions around the world. So to anyone in
Central America, South America, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Antarctica, or the International Space Station… Hit us up, so we can make sure to tell your story and share your perspective!
Q: Was there a certain moment during the recordings that sticks out in your mind?
Jeffrey Ross: One particular thing that stands out is apparently we eat a lot more peanut butter in Texas than other places around the world. HA! So if you haven’t watched the 1Route Roundup series, you need to subscribe so you can understand what I’m talking about. That being said, the final questions of each episode where we learn more about the guests individually were truly fun.
A few other things that really stayed with me are how much ingenuity there is around the world
that doesn’t get enough attention, how much more there is a need for risk professionals, the need
for more diversity and educating future generations about our industry, and although some
collaboration is being done to fight fraud there is a need for more global collaboration.
Q: What is the heart behind 1Route Roundup and what do you hope people gain from being a part of it/watching it?
Jeffrey Ross: The heart behind the whole series is sincerity. We want people to know that there are incredible people doing incredible things each and every day to defend the telecom industry against fraud. At the end of the day, it is universal that we are all sick and tired of the fraudsters and it is past time that we take the fight to them. My hope is that people see that we as an industry have this common global goal and that by working together across borders and across networks, we can achieve these goals.

Still Better Together
Companies and individuals across the globe must work hand in hand in fighting fraud. Now
more than ever, increased collaboration and education will help us all to prevail in that battle!
There is no reason in the current market for any telecom customers to feel unsure about
answering a phone call. It’s never too late to get your company on par with call validation, blocking fraudulent transactions in real-time, and if needed, complying with the FCC’s STIR/SHAKEN regulations.
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